Our philosophy is to empower and support children throughout school and into the future. So they leave school having not only the academic skills but are socially and emotionally equipped for life, with a deeper understanding of how to support themselves when facing life's challenges. They are more capable of creating and fulfilling their potential and recognizing their greatest dreams.

The benefit of teaching emotional awareness and mindfulness on a yoga platform is that it works organically, which is why we find it very beneficial to teach this way especially for children. We bring cognition / and understanding to the emotional part of us and our lives.

We have the normal benefits of Yoga as well as learning; - tools and techniques to deal with anxiety and stress

  • better emotional self regulation

  • increased inner strength and resilience

  • increased self awareness

  • increased self esteem and confidence

  • recognition of feelings

  • recognition of healthy / unhealthy relationships

  • recognizing the need for respect for self and others

Programs created just for schools

We have programs that incorporate Yoga with Emotional Awareness. These programs are age and demographic appropriate and are tailored to be accommodated into the school term.

Each program builds on the last, to consolidate and go deeper in understanding.

Ideally each student would do at least 1 session of yoga per week for 1 term, per school year .

We are very happy to come out and discuss our program with you.